Closet Organization && Storage Tips!

If you have a smaller sized closet or live in a place lacking closet space, you know how difficult storage set up can be! Watch my video below to see my closet and how I organized each piece as well as my storage tips for maximizing your space:


1. Remove Excess
Ask yourself- have I worn this piece in the last year? The last three years? Have I even thought about wearing it?  If the answer is no, it’s time to part ways. I find myself hanging on to pieces because of memories or price tag, but in reality, it’s using up precious closet real estate. If you don’t USE it, it’s time to lose it.

2. Organize
Everyone has a system that works best for them- mine is color coding. I find that color coding my pieces and sub-organizing by style really maximizes my space [and minimizes my stress]. Color coding helps a closet look visually appealing, while also saving you time searching for a particular item. You can still make it look great even if your closet isn’t!

3. Add storage
I love these hanging shelve units. They’re easy, efficient and require no construction [why build a shelving display when you can just hang it up? Cheaper too!]. This is a great way to store a lot in a smaller space. In an area that could probably fit 20 dresses, I hung all of my sweats, t-shirts, tank tops and shorts! These are also great to fold and display your jeans- they hold much more than you could fit hanging, or stuffed in a drawer.

I also like stacking units [you can find similar ones at bed bath and beyond, the container store, etc]. These are great to organize loose accessories, while still making them accessible. I like that I can see all of my clutches and wallets, yet they’re still in a small space. Shoe boxes take up a ton of room- these are also great for sandals and flats!

Hope these tips helped! Can’t wait to show you the rest of my updated apartment


5 thoughts on “Closet Organization && Storage Tips!

  1. I’m in the process of cleaning out my closet and for once I am being honest about what I’ll actually wear lol. The down side to this is trying to do this at 2 am

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